Critical Reflection
At the start of the effective communication module, I have set out a few goals to achieve such as developing my social skills in speaking as to be more confident when speaking to an individual, group or audience setting. To achieve this goal, I had to get off my anxiety and shyness when speaking. I am content to say that I have developed a few social skills and acquire other useful skills. Over the weeks of attending classes, most of the time we had to stand in front of the class to present our thoughts and views on the task we had done. At the start of the weeks, I was nervous and not well prepared as presenting after I have completed a task was a first to me. After a continual cycle of presenting to my class as a form of public speaking, it had taken the edge off my anxiety and to be more confident in the way I speak and present myself. I learnt many efficient critical thinking methods such as Paul – Elder Framework, the 7Cs of Communication and Pyramid Principle. These methods hel...